Available Variables


While building your Spark application using Vue.js, you will commonly need access to a few pieces of key information such as the current user, the user's teams, and the user's current team. Spark makes it a breeze to access this information either using Vue component properties or the global Spark.state object.

Accessing Via Vue Properties

You may ask for the user, teams, or currentTeam properties in your Vue components. For example, let's add the properties to the home.js component:

Vue.component('home', {
    props: ['user', 'teams', 'currentTeam'],

    ready() {

Remember, a user may not have a current team if they do not belong to any teams at all. In this case, currentTeam will be null and the teams property will be an empty array.

Next, just pass the properties into your component in your home.blade.php file:

<home :user="user" :teams="teams" :current-team="currentTeam" inline-template>

Accessing Via Global Spark Object

You may also access data using the Spark.state object. For example, let's do this in the home.js component. Typically you should pass this data down your application via properties; however, the Spark.state object can be useful if you have deeply nested components where it is inconvenient to pass the data as properties:

Vue.component('home', {
    props: ['user'],

    ready() {

The Spark Computed Property

Spark registers a global Vue mixin that makes a few properties available to all of your components. One of these properties is spark, which provides you with a variety of information about the current Spark application. By default, the spark computed property object contains the following information:

Property Description
cardUpFront Indicates if the application requires credit cards up front.
collectsBillingAddress Indicates if the application collects billing addresses.
collectsEuropeanVat Indicates if the application collects European VAT.
csrfToken The current Laravel CSRF token.
currencySymbol The symbol used throughout the application for formatting currency.
env The current Laravel application environment.
roles All of the available user roles.
userId The current user's ID.
usesApi Indicates if the application exposes an API.
usesTeams Indicates if the application supports teams.

You may access these properties in your templates or in your JavaScript:

<!-- From Template -->
<div v-if="spark.usesApi">
    This application has an API.

<!-- From JavaScript -->
if (this.spark.usesApi) {
    console.log('This application has an API.');

Adding Custom Properties

You can add your own properties to the spark computed property by adding them to your resources/views/vendor/spark/layouts/app.blade.php file. They will be merged with the default properties that are usually available on the object.

window.Spark = <?php echo json_encode(array_merge(
    Spark::scriptVariables(), [
        'custom' => 'value'
        'another-custom-value' => 'value'
)); ?>